How to Practice Mantra Meditation

How to Practice Mantra Meditation

Mantra meditation can be performed in a group (kirtan) or as a personal practice (japa). Gaura-arati introduces how to practice japa meditation using a mantra known as the maha mantra, which is the recommended mantra for this age. The yoga texts explain that all the potencies of every other mantra is contained in this maha mantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare.

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Lavanya-keli is an aspiring young videographer hoping to make films that will inspire people and help them to question, even if it’s just a little. She’s passionate about caring for the environment and is rather anticonsumerism, preferring to spend her time outdoors enjoying the beauty of undisturbed nature.

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